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    このトピックでは、HTML タグによって定義されるカスタム セクションを実装する方法を学習します。ブライトコーブ ビーコン Web アプリでプラグインを使用します。

    Using the custom sections

    There are two areas in your Beacon app that you can customize. You can add content to the HTML <div> sections and style these areas using CSS.

    Beacon details mid page

    The following image shows an example of the implementation for the beacon_details_mid_page_section section:

    Add carousel layout
    Beacon details mid page section.

    Beacon web app overflow

    Also, the following image shows an example of one of the implementations for the beacon-web-app-overflow section:

    Add carousel layout
    Beacon web app overflow section.

    Use cases

    The following are appropriate use cases for the custom sections.

    • The midpage section for the details page can be used to place custom content like a short description.
    • The overflow section can be used to add a chat-bot or a help-chat to the bottom of each page.

    ID selectors

    The following selectors can be used in your plugin code to control the custom <div> tags.

    ID Selector Details
    • Available in all pages.
    • This element has a higher z-index than the Beacon Web App content but is lower than the alerts/confirmation popups shown in the app.
    • Only available on the details page.

    Module implementation

    The following shows how functions using the custom HTML <div> sections are implemented using JavaScript and CSS modules. Of course, you may implement your JavaScript in the manner of your choice.

    The following code contains these functions. A brief descriptions is provided for each:


    Below is the JavaScript code used for beacon_details_mid_page_section example:

    const populateMidPageDiv = () => {
        var midPage = document.getElementById('beacon_details_mid_page_section');
        var para1 = document.createElement("P");
        var t1 = document.createTextNode("This is div-mid-page")
    const clearMidPageDiv = () => {
        var midPage = document.getElementById('beacon_details_mid_page_section');
        midPage.innerHTML = '';
    export { populateMidPageDiv, clearMidPageDiv };
    ID Selector Details
    populateMidPageDiv() This function creates an HTML <p> tag, and then add text to be displayed on beacon_details_mid_page_section section.
    clearMidPageDiv() This function clears the elements inside the beacon_details_mid_page_section section.

    Here is the CSS code used for this example:

    #beacon_details_mid_page_section {
        background-color: black;
        color: white;
        font-size: medium;


    Below is the JavaScript code used for beacon-web-app-overflow example:

    const populateAppOverflowDiv = () => { 
        var webAppOverflow = document.getElementById('beacon-web-app-overflow');
        var para2 = document.createElement("P");
        var t2 = document.createTextNode("This is beacon-web-app-overflow.");
    const clearAppOverflowDiv = () => {
        var webAppOverflow = document.getElementById('beacon-web-app-overflow');
        webAppOverflow.innerHTML = '';
    export { populateAppOverflowDiv, clearAppOverflowDiv };
    ID Selector Details
    populateAppOverflowDiv() This function creates an HTML <p> tag, and then add text to be displayed on beacon-web-app-overflow section.
    clearAppOverflowDiv() This function clears the elements inside the beacon-web-app-overflow section.

    Here is the CSS code used for this example:

    #beacon-web-app-overflow {
        background-color: black;
        color: white;
        font-size: large;

    Page last updated on 05 Dec 2022