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    このトピックでは、Brightcove BeaconWebアプリケーションのプラグインを使用してカスタムボタンを実装する方法について説明します。


    Custom buttons can be added to your app's details page. For example, you can add a Download button and/or a Location button. You are responsible for programming the button functionality.

    Custom buttons
    Custom buttons

    Use cases

    Here are some use cases for custom buttons:

    • A Download button to allow users to download a copy of the video
    • A Location button to allow users to tag their location on videos

    Event flow

    This diagram shows the event flow for a custom button:

    Custom button event flow
    Custom button event flow

    Triggering events

    The following events can be used in your plugin code to control custom buttons:

    Event Description
    detailsPageAddCustomButton Adds a button to the details page buttons list, at the end of the list
    detailsPageRemoveCustomButton Removes the button with the defined ID from the buttons list

    Event data

    The following data can be passed with the button event:

    Data element Type Description
    title string The button title displayed in your Beacon app
    font_awesome_icon string The Font Awesome ID for the icon displayed in your custom button; leave blank if no icon is to be applied
    element_id string The HTML ID to be applied to your custom button; when calling the remove event, this is the only required field

    Data notes:

    • When calling detailsPageRemoveCustomButton

    Code example

    Here is the JavaScript code syntax used for creating a custom button:

      event: 'detailsPageAddCustomButton',
      data: {
        title:  'Test Button',
        font_awesome_icon: 'fa fa-info-circle',
        element_id: 'TEST_BTN_ID'
    }, window.location.origin);

    Listening for events

    The following events are listened for by the player when button events are dispatched in your OTT plugin code:

    Event Description
    detailsPageExternalButtonWasClicked Called when a user clicks on one of the externally added buttons

    Event data

    The following data is returned when the button clicked event is triggered:

    Data element Type Description
    asset_id integer The ID for the asset (episode/movie/event) associated with the current details page in your Beacon app
    element_id string The HTML ID of the button that was clicked

    Code example

    Here is the JavaScript code syntax used to listen for a button click event:

    switch (event.data.event) {
      case 'detailsPageExternalButtonWasClicked':
        if (event.data.data.element_id == 'download-button') {
          handleButtonClick('Download button'); 
        if (event.data.data.element_id == 'location-button') {
          handleButtonClick('Location button');


    Here is an example of the data object for a button clicked event:


    Data object for button clicked event
    Data object for button clicked event

    Module implementation

    The following shows how functions using the side panel are implemented using JavaScript modules. Of course, you may implement your JavaScript in the manner of your choice. Further details on this module implementation can be found in the Implementing OTT Plugin Code Using Modules document.


    Here is our example code:

    import { addCustomButtonDetails, addCustomButtonDetailsParams, handleButtonClick } from './button-module.js';
    window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
      const originsAllowed = [
        'your Beacon app URL'
      if (originsAllowed.includes(event.origin)) {
        switch (event.data.event) {
          case 'detailsPageExternalButtonWasClicked':
            if (event.data.data.element_id == 'download-button') {
              handleButtonClick('Download button'); 
            if (event.data.data.element_id == 'location-button') {
              handleButtonClick('Location button');
          case 'onBeaconPageLoad':
            addCustomButtonDetailsParams('Download', 'fa fa-info-circle', 'download-button');
            addCustomButtonDetailsParams('Location', 'fa fa-info-circle', 'location-button');
    Event Description
    detailsPageExternalButtonWasClicked Listen for this event. When triggered, do the following:
    • Check the code event.data.data.element_id to determine which button was clicked
    • Call the handleButtonClick function with the button value.
    onBeaconPageLoad Listen for this event. When triggered, do the following:
    • Call the addCustomButtonDetailsParams function to add the Download button.
    • Call the addCustomButtonDetailsParams function to add the Location button.


    Here is our example code:

    const addCustomButtonDetails = () => {
            event: 'detailsPageAddCustomButton',
            data: {
              title:  'Test Button',
              font_awesome_icon: 'fa fa-info-circle',
              element_id: 'TEST_BTN_ID'
          }, window.location.origin);
    const addCustomButtonDetailsParams = (pTitle, pFont, pID) => {
        event: 'detailsPageAddCustomButton',
        data: {
          title:  pTitle,
          font_awesome_icon: pFont,
          element_id: pID
      }, window.location.origin);
    const handleButtonClick = (buttonString) => {
      alert('button was clicked ' + buttonString);
    export { addCustomButtonDetails, addCustomButtonDetailsParams, handleButtonClick };
    Function Description
    addCustomButtonDetails Dispatches the detailsPageAddCustomButton event to create a custom button on the details page, at the end of the buttons list.
    The title, font_awesome_icon and element_id values are passed into this function as strings, using the data object.
    addCustomButtonDetailsParams Dispatches the detailsPageAddCustomButton event to create a custom button on the details page, at the end of the buttons list.
    This function uses the pTitle, pFont and pID parameters to populate the title, font_awesome_icon and element_id values in the data object.
    handleButtonClick Displays an alert box with a message identifying the button that was clicked.

    Page last updated on 05 Dec 2022