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    ネットワーク内部からVideo Cloud Studioを使用するには、ブラウザークライアントはファイアウォールを通して、いくつかの必須ポートおよびドメインにアクセスできる必要があります。以下のポートとドメインにアクセスできない場合は、Video Cloudプレーヤー、Studio、およびモジュールの使用で問題が発生する可能性があります。

    The list of key URLs for Video Cloud operations are (all over http port 80 and https port 443):

    Key domains - wildcards

    The table below list key domains for Brightcove with wilcards.

    Key Domains for Brightcove (wildcards)
    Domain Description
    *.brightcove.net Brightcove players
    *.brightcove.com Brightcove web sites
    bcove.video Social sharing, shortened video URLs
    *.api.brightcove.com Brightcove APIs for Studio and players
    api.bcovlive.io For Brightcove Live API
    *.bcovlive.io For Brightcove Live
    *.sep.bcovlive.io For Brightcove Live static entry point jobs
    bcovlive-a.akamaihd.net For Brightcove Live playback
    *.o.brightcove.com Source for some streaming media
    players.brightcove.net Source for Brightcove players
    hls.ak.o.brightcove.com Source for some HLS video
    uds.ak.o.brightcove.com Source for some video progressive downloads
    *.boltdns.net Dynamic Delivery
    brightcove.vo.llnwd.net Source for video renditions and assets
    *.llnw.net Source for video renditions and assets
    *.llnwd.net Source for video renditions and assets
    *.akafms.net Source for video renditions and assets
    *.akamaihd.net Source for video renditions and assets
    *.analytics.edgekey.net Source for analytics data (this is for Akamai CDN media analytics; not needed if Akamai is not used as your CDN)
    *.cloudfront.net Upload module and Dynamic Ingest
    *.media.brightcove.com Delivery of media assets
    hlstoken-a.akamaihd.net TokenAuth support for HLS, HLSe, and DASH
    vjs.zencdn.net Used by Brightcove player to play videos on some versions of IE
    *.gallerysites.net Used to deliver Gallery images
    *.bcvp0rtal.com Published Gallery portals
    *.brightcovecdn.com For house and custom Fastly CDN configs for Dynamic Delivery
    ingestion-upload-production.s3.amazonaws.com/ Used when uploading images for thumbnails/posters in the Media Module
    *.cf.brightcove.com Delivery URL

    Specfic domains

    If wildcarding is not possible, individually list the following domains (all over http port 80 and https port 443):

    Specific Domains
    Domain Description
    static.brightcove.com Studio modules
    studio.brightcove.com Studio
    admin.brightcove.com For scripts used by Studio and Brightcove players
    api.brightcove.com For RESTful APIs called by Studio and players plugins
    analytics.api.brightcove.com For Analytics
    api.bcovlive.io Brightcove Live
    bcove.video Social sharing, shortened video URLs
    bcsecure01-a.akamaihd.net For some secure streaming
    bcvid.brightcove.com Used by the Studio home page
    billing.brightcove.com Source for billing data
    house-cloudfront.ap-northeast-1.prod.boltdns.net Dynamic Delivery - CDN location for assets
    house-cloudfront.ap-southeast-1.prod.boltdns.net Dynamic Delivery - CDN location for assets
    house-cloudfront.ap-southeast-2.prod.boltdns.net Dynamic Delivery - CDN location for assets
    house-cloudfront.eu-west-1.prod.boltdns.net Dynamic Delivery - CDN location for assets
    house-cloudfront.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net Dynamic Delivery - CDN location for assets
    *.boltdns.net Dynamic Delivery - individual domains are too numerous and changeable to list
    brightcove04.brightcove.com Video streams and assets
    brightcove.vo.llnwd.net Source for video assets
    brightcove-01.fcod.llnwd.net, brightcove-02.fcod.llnwd.net, brightcove-03.fcod.llnwd.net,... ...and so forth, through brightcove-199.fcod.llnwd.net; additional sources for video assets
    brightcove04.o.brightcove.com Video streams and assets
    c.brightcove.com Domain for HLS delivery
    cms.api.brightcove.com RESTful API used by Studio, mobile SDKs, and player plugins
    data.brightcove.com RESTful API called by the Analytics Module in Studio
    edge.api.brightcove.com Called by Brightcove players for video and other data
    edge-elb.api.brightcove.com Called by Brightcove players for video and other data
    experiences.assets.brightcove.com Assets for Studio
    files.brightcove.com Media assets
    gallery.brightcove.com For hosting video Galleries
    gallery.assets.brightcove.com Assets for Galleries
    go.brightcove.com Used to handle various user actions on brightcove.com
    hlsak-a.akamaihd.net Media assets
    httpsak-a.akamaihd.net Media assets
    img.brightcove.com Images for Brightcove sites
    images.gallery.brightcove.com Source for Gallery images
    ingestion.api.brightcove.com RESTful API used by Studio and integrations
    internal.api.brightcove.com Used by Studio
    live.api.brightcove.com For managing live streams
    live.brightcove.com For live
    link.brightcove.com Domain used in social sharing for players
    metrics.brightcove.com API used to collect analytics data for players
    my.brightcove.com Domain for Studio
    oauth.brightcove.com RESTful API used in authenticating other Brightcove APIs
    players.brightcove.net Domain for Brightcove players
    players.api.brightcove.com RESTful API called by Studio for player management
    repos.api.brightcove.com Domain used to store data for Brightcove players
    preview-players.brightcove.net Domain for Brightcove player previews
    reporting.brightcove.com Source for some analytics data
    sadmin.brightcove.com Used for Studio and players loaded over SSL
    search.brightcove.com Required to search Brightcove sites
    secure.brightcove.com Used for player assets loading over SSL
    services.brightcove.com Used by Studio settings
    share.brightcove.com Used by Studio for video sharing
    signin.brightcove.com Domain for signing into Studio
    smartplayers.api.brightcove.com Used by Studio for player management
    uds.ak.o.brightcove.com Video stream source
    vjs.zencdn.net Used by Brightcove player to play videos on some versions of IE
    www.brightcove.com The main Brightcove web site
    support.brightcove.com Documentation and support
    learning-services-media.brightcove.com Documentation assets
    solutions.brightcove.com Documentation assets and sample apps
    docs.brightcove.com Documentation - API References
    a139.vi5g5.akafms.net Source for some streaming videos
    images.gallerysites.net Used to deliver Gallery images

    Please understand that specific IP addresses are not available, as they may change at any time without notice. In addition, as we add new features or modify existing features, this list may change.

    Content security policies

    Brightcove's current set of CSPs:

    default-src 'self';
    script-src 'self' players.brightcove.net vjs.zencdn.net;
    connect-src 'self' players.brightcove.net edge.api.brightcove.com;
    img-src 'self' players.brightcove.net *.boltdns.net *.akamaihd.net;
    style-src 'self' players.brightcove.net;
    frame-src 'self' players.brightcove.net;
    media-src 'self' *.brightcovecdn.com *.boltdns.net *.media.brightcove.com *.llnw.net *.llnwd.net *.akafms.net *.akamaihd.net *.cf.brightcove.com;
    prefetch-src 'self' *.boltdns.net;

    Page last updated on 05 Dec 2022